Assignment Complete!


That was A LOT of work!  I’m thrilled it is done.  I’m lucky enough that my kids love to play outside, they were able to do things with family and friends for a while, and even chip in on the kitchen cleanse.  Apartment Therapy really put our household to work this weekend.

I originally posted from my sister’s house on Friday and had hoped to take pictures of the before for her.  Unfortunately, we left her house in such a hurry I left my camera there.  That means there are not going to be before and after pictures of this.  What I can tell you is that it feels GREAT to have accomplished the scrub down.

I can hardly believe we finished. Continue reading

January Curing…

So the sound of Apartment Therapy‘s, “January Cure,” is inticing, right? Part of my New Year’s resolution is organizing and this gives me some direction.  The idea is to help whip our homes into shape.  Daily tasks to help you clean up, organize, and purge the problem areas in your home.  These are the things that are overlooked because we’ve grown accustom to them being that way.   Continue reading